Slides from the talks
- David Alonso, On a different proof of Junge's estimate for the isotropy constant of polytopes
- Ronen Eldan, A Polynomial Number of Random Points does not Determine the Volume of a Convex Body
- Kevin Ford, New explicit constructions of RIP matrices and related problems
- Sanjiv Gupta, Dichotomy Conjecture on Symmetric Spaces
- Patrick Hayden, Quantum information theory as high-dimensional geometry, PDF and Power Point
- Bill Johnson, Dimension reduction in discrete metric geometry
- Marius Junge, Random subspaces of tensor products and QI
- Alexander Litvak, On the rate of convergence of the empirical covariance matrix
- Emanuel Milman, Isoperimetric inequalities in semi-convex settings
- Peter Pivovarov, Mixed volumes of random convex sets
- Tom
Schneider, Efficiency of Molecular Machines
- Lukasz Skowronek, A symmetry of mapping cones with applications in entanglement theory
- Rick Vitale, Intrinsic Volumes (PDF includes two related papers)
- Pawel Wolff, On some variants of the Johnson-Lindenstrauss lemma
- Vlad Yaskin, On unique determination of convex polytopes
- Deping Ye, On the comparison of volumes of quantum states