Cancer Biology Training Program

The Cancer Biology Training Program (CBTP) trains PhD and MD/PhD scientists who will advance research on the causes, diagnosis, progression and treatment of experimental and human cancer. The CBTP provides a PhD training program that is focused on cancer research and includes the many facets of cancer biology, including cancer pathology, cancer genetics, cell signaling, control of cell growth, tumor apoptosis, stem cell biology, cancer imaging, tumor immunology and others. The field of cancer biology includes basic scientific research and its applications to clinical settings.

The Case Comprehensive Cancer Center provides a rich confluence of basic science and clinical activities and resources, enriching the training of PhD students as they engage in both basic science and translational research in the field of cancer. To accomplish these training goals, the CBTP has been developed as an interdisciplinary track within the Pathology PhD Program and is jointly sponsored by the Case Comprehensive Cancer Center and the Department of Pathology.

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