June 2014: Vol 2, No. 2

Council News

Robin Kramer SAC Volunteer Award

This annual award honors a SAC member whose volunteer service to the Staff Advisory Council and broader campus community has had a significant effect on colleagues, students, or visitors with whom they came into contact.

The Robin Kramer SAC Volunteer Award was created in honor of Robin Kramer, a University employee whose qualities and commitment to volunteerism set a standard for distinguished service. Robin Kramer (August 5, 1955-November 1, 2013) was known for her passion for serving the University and its employees.

The Council has formed an ad hoc Constitution Review committee. The Committee meets on the first Wednesday of every month from 1:30-2:30pm in Adelbert M3 for all who are interested.

Elections Committee News

SAC is accepting nominations for representatives through July 11, 2014. Please see the SAC home page for details.

Anne DeChant (Office of the Vice Dean for Research, School of Medicine) will begin her 2014-2015 term as Council Chair in September.

Barb Juknialis (Department of Bioethics, School of Medicine) was elected as Vice-Chair for the 2014-2015 term.

Diana Fox (MSASS Research and Training Center) was elected as Secretary for the 2014-2016 term.

Policy Committee News

The following items are currently under review:

  • Recommendation for revisions to performance management policy and procedures
  • Recommendation for creation of an independent ombuds office
  • Recommendation to increase tuition reimbursement benefit

The Policy Committee is seeking input from staff members. If you have comments, feedback, or questions about these issues, contact: sac-policy@case.edu.

Communications Committee News

The Communications Committee is hard at work dividing University staff members into constituencies for our elected members. Each member will have an email alias that will allow them to send pertinent information to their constituencies as requested by the SAC Chair. This will also serve to keep open the lines of communication between schools and their elected representatives.


This newsletter is published by the Communications Committee of the Staff Advisory Council. To provide comments/feedback, email: sac-communications@case.edu.

Committee Highlight: Staff Recognition

Honoring staff for their "outstanding contributions" to the University

Award recipients of the Case Western Reserve University President's Award for Distinguished Service

The Staff Recognition Committee of the SAC is busy at work. Co-chair Pam McGregor feels particularly energized by her work with this group because she “loves to see people smile” and acknowledges that sometimes a simple “Thank You” can make all the difference in someone’s work life. This committee has two main functions: processing formal awards for staff members and hosting the Party on the Quad held each year in June.

CWRU sponsors two awards that are designated specifically for staff members. Honorees are recognized for their “outstanding contributions” to our campus culture that have had a transformational effect on university colleagues, students, or visitors with whom they come into contact. A call for nominations is made in the Daily in the spring, the Staff Recognition Committee reviews and votes on the nominations, and the candidates’ information is forwarded to the Office of the President. The award recipients are announced at the Staff Service Awards Luncheon in June.

The President’s Award for Distinguished Service: This award was created in 1989 in honor of Roseanne Shaerban, a university employee whose qualities and commitment set a standard for distinguished service.

Hers was a friendly and familiar face on campus, and she is remembered for her “feisty, creative, and exceptionally generous willingness to help others.” In her honor, each year, up to three honorees each receive a $1000 cash award, and their names are engraved on a plaque in Adelbert Hall.

The Robin Kramer SAC Volunteer Award: This award was instituted just this year in honor of Robin Kramer, whose vibrant spirit of volunteerism, boundless enthusiasm, energy, and passion for serving the University set a high standard for distinguished service. One current member of the Staff Advisory Council (SAC) who has a minimum of five years of service with the university will be nominated and honored with a cash award of $500.

The Staff Recognition Committee invites everyone to the Party on the Quad, a joint celebration hosted by the SAC and Human Resources, which takes place the last Friday of July (rain or shine). This year, on July 25th, the whole campus community is invited to share in food, games, music and prizes! What a wonderful way to get out of the office/ lab and get to know your colleagues better!

Anyone wishing to help out can contact Pam McGregor (pam7@case.edu).

Member Highlight: Pam McGregor

Grants Management Specialist and avid gardener

headshot of Pam McGregor, Case Western Reserve University

In just a few short months, Pam McGregor will be shaking President Barbara Snyder’s hand in recognition of 25 years of service here at CWRU. In that time Pam has worked at a number of offices across campus: in Financial Aid, as a Payroll Specialist in the Controller’s Office, and currently as the Grants Management Specialist in the Department of Neurosciences at the School of Medicine. Pam has always loved working at the university, interacting with both faculty and students, and thinks they are wonderful.

In her free time, Pam is an avid gardener, and it runs in the family. Her father was a landscaper and Pam has fond memories of her mother spending lots of time in the yard. In fact, Pam eventually bought her parents’ house and has maintained and updated her mother’s gardens for years. She plants flowers, herbs, and a long list of vegetables – including tomatoes, eggplant, watermelon, onions, carrots and radishes. She loves growing things and watching them bloom and grow, watering and weeding, and the earthy smell of digging around in the ground.

Pam’s service on the Staff Advisory Council allows her to engage in some of her favorite activities: elections and making someone’s day. Pam served on the Elections Committee because of her interest in politics, elections, and voting. Recently though she has taken over as co-chair of the Staff Recognition Committee and finds it incredibly rewarding. “There are not enough smiles in the world today” she says, and helping provide awards and recognition to staff allows her to create more smiles on campus. Thank you for making the campus a happier place, Pam!

Did you know?

The following are applicable to all staff members:

You can designate funds to the Staff Advisory Council during the CWRU "All In" Day of Giving on June 17, 2014!
Donate online and specify "Staff Advisory Council: SEEF" to support the Staff Educational Enhancement Fund. SAC is dedicated to assisting staff members as they pursue their own professional and educational goals

New parking rates set for 2014-15 academic year
Parking and Transportation Services announced new parking rates for the 2014-15 academic year. Specific rates for each lot are posted online. The new rates are effective July 1, 2014.

Community Emergency Response Team
Case Western Reserve's Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) will be a squad of 25 to 50 university employees who have been trained in basic disaster response skills to assist first responders during emergency situations.

Review the University's Sexual Misconduct Interim Policy
This policy applies to all members of the university community including all students, Post-Doctoral Fellows and Post-Doctoral Scholars, faculty, staff, and other university officials, whether full or part-time, and guest lecturers, volunteers, contractors and visitors.

Summer Barbecues on the Quad
Wednesday Barbecues are back! Wednesdays June 4, June 11, June 18, June 25, July 2, July 9, July 16 and July 23. Mark your calendars now!! Sponsored by Bon Appetit, Office of Summer Programs, Campus Services, and Plant Services.