Research Briefs

Prenatal Exposure to Domestic Violence

Summary of Key Research Findings

Impact of Domestic Violence Exposure

Executive Summary

Research Methodology

Recommendations to Better Serve Ohio's Children

HEART Team Research

Trauma Informed Socially Just Research Framework
Laura A. Voith, PhD

The TISJR is a framework that grew out of the HEART's attempt to grapple with authentically embedding racial equity and trauma responsiveness into the practice of research. It offers a set of tools to ground one's practice of research in partnership with communities and to generate a praxis among team members that supports the wellbeing of all members, especially Black, Indigenous, and People of Color and other minoritized groups.

Antifragility Initiative: Process Evaluation Year 1 Results
Laura A. Voith, PhD, MSW, Katie Russell, MSSA, Hyunjune Lee, MSW, Meghan Salas-Atwell, PhD

This research brief summarizes the outcomes of a formative evaluation with the “Antifragility Initiative,” a holistic
trauma-informed hospital-based violence intervention program serving youth at University Hospital’s Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital (UH-RBC). Key study aims included developing the program theory of change and assessing the program model's consistency to the theory of change. 

Investigating Cumulative and Complex Trauma with Men in Batterer Intervention Programs: An Executive Summary
Laura A. Voith, PhD, MSW, Hyunjune Lee, MSW

This study explored the life experiences of men in the Domestic Intervention, Education, and Training (DIET) program, the largest batterer intervention program in Cuyahoga County. Specifically, we examined factors that relate to underlying trauma and possible strengths with men that could suggest areas of program focus, development, and enhancement.