Sustainability Library

The Fowler Center for Business as an Agent of World Benefit at Weatherhead School of Management has collected sustainability business cases, which may be used by management faculty as additional teaching resources. The Fowler Center can provide assistance to individuals or organizations who wish to use the cases or who need teaching notes.

Cases by Department

Selection Process and Filters

Cases were identified by a systematic assessment of existing teaching cases relating to sustainability and through a set of agreed upon criteria to filter cases even further. The initial Case Study Library (now Sustainability Library) was built by searching online databases for all cases that pertained to the topic of sustainability. Four additional criteria were required:

The case is designed to be a teaching case. To make this distinction we look for content that is more than just informative but also able to spark discussion and debate.

The case focuses on a topic that is truly a driver of business value rather than just environmental compliance, an ethical decision, or corporate social responsibility.

The issue in question is a matter of “embedded” or “bolt-on sustainability.” Cases featuring companies incorporating sustainability into their core business functions and philosophies were given priority.

The issue at hand is one of heretical or disruptive innovation or describes incremental change.

After applying these filters to the original group of 133 teaching cases, just 48 cases made the cut. These 48 cases represent a choice of sustainability resources that, in a broad sense, meet the Fowler Center’s definition of sustainable value.

Contact the Fowler Center for assistance or to suggest additional cases to be included on the list.

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