You'll be well-prepared to WOW future employers

Student shaking hands at Wall Street Trek Networking Lunch

Preparing you for your career in business is a team effort at Case Western Reserve University’s Weatherhead School of Management.

Your coursework, experiential learning and the leadership skills developed at Weatherhead will prepare you to be a leader. And our experts will help you translate those experiences into talking points that will turn heads.

CWRU organizes a number of events for you to meet future employers and be exceptionally well-prepared to land your dream position. 

Career fairs bring 100+ employers to campus each year to hire our students for internships and full-time jobs.

  • You’ll be ready to wow with resume reviews from experts, pre-fair workshops and assessments that help you identify career paths that fit your interests and personality.

Meet the Accountants Breakfast, a favorite among business students, is your chance to meet informally with representatives from major accounting firms, corporations, nonprofit organizations and government entities.

  • Before the event, all participants’ resumes are reviewed by business professionals.

The Wall Street Trek takes selected students to New York City each year for meetings and networking with alumni and leaders at some of the country’s most acclaimed firms. (Pictured above: The Wall Street Trek Networking Lunch.)

  • Participants take part in a weekly course prior to the trek where they discuss networking strategies, career development and more.

On-campus interviews allow you to meet with employers and present your credentials one-on-one. They come to you!

  • CWRU career consultants host mock interviews (and record them) and provide specific, targeted feedback that help you showcase your credentials.

No wonder 94% of business students are working full time or in graduate school within six months of graduation