The Society for Critical Exchange
2003 MLA Panel
2003 MLA Convention
(27-30 December, San Diego

As an affiliated organization of the MLA, the SCE has one or two standing panels at each annual convention. Usually, SCE programs grow out of continuing projects that Society members pursue. This year's session continues the work of the widely acclaimed Intellectual Property and the Construction of Authorship project first begun in 1991.

The presenters and the papers for the panel are listed below. Because the SCE attempts to devote conference panels to discussion rather than merely to presentation, we will make summaries of the papers available around 1 December 2003.

For the original calls-for-papers, click here.

Casualties of Copyright Policy:
How the Law Impedes Academic Practice
Monday 29 December 2003
12:00-1:15 p.m., Edward C and D, Manchester Grand Hyatt

Presider: Martha Woodmansee, Case Western Reserve Univ.
(1) "Writing about South African Literature: A Case Study in the Trials and Tribulations of Scholarly Research"
Susan VanZanten Gallagher, Seattle Pacific Univ.
(2) "Applications of Copyright to Scholarly Research: A Critical Legal Analysis"
Peter Jaszi, American Univ.

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