Important Update:
The Society is in transition to a new institutional home at the University of Houston-Victoria. Although these pages will not be updated, they will continue to be available on the Case Western Reserve University server until the process is complete. Future updates will appear at http://www.societyforcriticalexchange.org.

Society for Critical Exchange, Inc.
Founded 1975; Incorporated 1976
The SCE is North America's
oldest scholarly organization devoted to theory. Our various interdisciplinary
projects, conferences and symposia serve to advance the role of
theory in academic and intellectual arenas. Our projects encompass
a broad spectrum of disciplines, most prominently literary studies,
legal studies and practices, economics, composition and pedagogy.
website includes current information about our programs and projects
for the 2007-2008 academic year. It includes the extensive
archives of past and current SCE projects, publications of the society (including back issues of SCE Reports, Critical Exchange, and News & Notices), and the history of the SCE.
The Society sponsored a double-program on Writing Empires at the 2007 MLA meeting in Chicago.
At the 2006 MLA convention in Philadelphia the SCE celebrated its thirtieth anniversary with a program devoted to the future of theory and the role of the Society.
Martha Woodmansee, Case Western Reserve U., Director
Kurt Koenigsberger, Case Western Reserve U., Associate Director

Gerald Graff, English, U of Illinois at Chicago
of Directors
Term ending 31 December 2010
Peter Jaszi, Law, American U
Vincent Leitch, University of Oklahoma
Martha Woodmansee, Case Western Reserve University
Term ending 31 December
Jay Clayton, English, Vanderbilt U
Lisa Maruca, Interdisciplinary Studies, Wayne State U
Adrian Johns, History, U of Chicago
Past Presidents
Ralph Cohen, Barbara Herrnstein Smith, Richard Ohmann, Edward Said, Stanley Fish and Jane Tompkins (co-presidents), Nancy Armstrong, Susan Stewart, Jerome McGann
The SCE hosted an international multi-disciplinary conference in Cleveland, April 20-23, 2006 -- "Con/texts of Invention." The conference has produced a collection of essays forthcoming from the University of Chicago Press, provisionally titled Making and Unmaking Intellectual Property: Creative Production in Legal and Cultural Perspective. The conference organizers - Mario Biagioli, Peter Jaszi, and Martha Woodmansee - are editors of the volume.
In October 2005 the Society hosted a conference on "Representing Autism: Writing, Cognition, Disability." In 2007, Routledge published the papers from this conference in volume form as Autism and Representation, edited by Mark Osteen.
The Cultures of Writing Project is producing a special issue of Genre: Forms of Discourse and Culture on "New Histories of Writing" (forthcoming).
November 2007, the Society sponsored a graduate conference in Cleveland on Image and Imagination in the Visual and Verbal Arts.
Information on new activities at MLA, MMLA, SAMLA, NEMLA
has now moved. To view, please use the Upcoming Events link
on our menu bar. |