Original Call for Papers
All papers to be available and circulated in advance.
For the duration of the conference, the following films are available
for viewing near the registration area in room A62, where you'll also
find the book exhibits and coffee service on Saturday and Sunday:
Autism is
a World
My Life as an
Autistic Boy

Friday October 28
Sessions held in Gund School of Law Moot Court, room A59.
Coffee available at Schticks (second floor of Law School), Arabica,
or Starbucks.
4:00-5:30 pm Panel 1: Screening Autism
Chair: Angela Ciccia, Case Western Reserve U.
1. "Recognizing Jake: Contending with Spectacularized Representations
of Autism."
Anthony D.
Baker, Tennessee Tech. U.
2. "Autism in Indian Cinema: Cultural Representations of Disability."
Sudha Rai,
U of Rajasthan
3. "Filming the Self: Self-Narration and Film for Children with
Kristen Loutensock,
Berkeley, CA
5:30-7:30 Break for dinner; conferees on their own.
7:30 Plenary 1: Stuart Murray, U. of Leeds: "Hollywood and
the Fascination of Autism"
by Mark Osteen, Loyola C.
9:15-10:30 Reception
Provided by
SCE in Blackacre room
Saturday October 29
Coffee service provided by Marigold, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m in
Gund A62. Sessions held in Gund A59.
8:30-10 Panel 2: Diagnosing Autism
Chair: Peter Whitehouse, Case Western Reserve U.
1. "From Disorders of Affect to Mindblindness: Framing the History
of Autism Spectrum Disorders."
Chloe Silverman,
Cornell U.
2. "Bettelheim, Rimland, and the Rhetoric of Science"
James Arnt
Aune and Denise Jodlowski, Texas A&M U.
3. "Constructing Autism."
Majia Holmer
Nadesan, Arizona St. U.
4. "Mindblindness: The Problem of Empathy in the Representation
of Autism."
Ann Jurecic,
Princeton U.
10:15-11:45 Panel 3: Autistic Aesthetics
Chair: Sara Waller, Case Western Reserve U.
1. "Redefining Creativity: Autism and the Imagination."
Bruce Mills,
Kalamazoo C.
2. "Human, but More So: What the Autistic Brain Tells Us About
the Process of Narrative."
Matthew Belmonte,
U of Cambridge
3. "Autism and Modernism: An Inquiry into Aesthetics."
Patrick MacDonagh,
Concordia U.
4. "Asperger's Syndrome and the Gender of Genius."
Nancy Bombaci,
Mitchell C.
12-1:15 Lunch
by Marigold in Blackacre
1:30-3 Plenary 2: Michael Turnheim: "Representation
and Time in Autism"
by Martha Woodmansee, Case Western Reserve U.
3:15-4:45 Panel 4: Autist Autobiography
Chair: Jonathan Sadowsky, Case Western Reserve U.
1. "Autistic Autobiography-Introducing the Field."
Irene Rose,
U. of Manchester
2. "Transforming Memoir: The Performance of the Self in Three
Memoirs of Autism."
Debra Cumberland,
Winona State U.
3. "No Search, No Subject? Autism and the American Conversion
James T. Fisher,
Fordham U.
4. "From 'Refrigerator Mothers' to 'Mommie Wyrdest': Autism's
Refiguring of Maternal Roles."
Sheryl Stevenson,
U of Akron
5-7 Buffet dinner/reception
by Marigold in Blackacre
7:30-9 Reading Autism: Poetry and Creative Non-fiction
1. From Radiance and Ordinary Life: poetry by Barbara
2. "Family Resemblance," from My Brother's Keeper,
by Erika Nanes
3. From One of Us: A Family's Life with Autism, by Mark
Sunday October 30
Coffee service provided by Arabica 8 a.m. to noon in Gund
A62. Sessions held in Gund A59.
8:30-9:45 Panel 5: Portraits of the Autist in Poetry and Fiction
Chair: Todd Oakley, Case Western Reserve U.
1. "Poetry and the Language of Autism."
Kristina Chew,
St. Peter's C.
2. "Imagination and the Awareness of Self in Autistic Spectrum
Ilona Roth,
Open U.
3. "Alterity and Autism: Mark Haddon's Curious Incident in the
Neurological Spectrum."
James Berger,
Hofstra U.
10:00-11:15 Panel 6: A Spectrum of Autistic Perspectives: Fresh
Voices in Disability Studies
Chair: Ruth Burks, Bentley C.
1. "Mark Haddon's Popularity and Other Curious Incidents in My
Life as an Autistic."
Gyasi Burks-Abbott,
Cambridge, MA
2. "Poetry, Asperger's Syndrome, and Emotional Literacy: A Poet's
Lisa Janice
Cohen, Newton, MA
3. "Film as a Vehicle for Raising Consciousness among Autistic
Philip Schwarz,
Framingham, MA
11:30-12:15 What We've Learned: Open Discussion and Summary
Mark Osteen, Loyola C.
Conference Coordinator
Mark Osteen,
Loyola C.
Site Coordinators
Kurt Koenigsberger
and Martha Woodmansee, SCE Directors, Case Western Reserve U.
Special thanks to
Nicholas Petzak,
SCE Assistant, Case Western Reserve U.
Dawn Richards,
Gund School of Law, Case Western Reserve U.