Annual Report 2023-2024
Thank you
To the Case Western Reserve community,
In the past year, the progress we have made on advancing our three priorities—to elevate academic excellence, expand our research enterprise and enhance our engagement with the community—has been, in a word, outstanding.
Our research enterprise saw growth across several key metrics. We also enjoyed a record year of philanthropy, as friends and alumni supported us with more than $210 million in gifts and pledges. Importantly, we continue to attract top-notch students, faculty and staff who strive toward excellence every day and who are driven to solve the world’s most pressing challenges.
I feel tremendous privilege to lead this innovative community of learners, educators, collaborators and visionaries. We have much to be proud of and to celebrate, especially as we look ahead to commemorating our bicentennial in 2026.
Thank you for your continued support of Case Western Reserve University. Our future grows brighter each day.
Eric W. Kaler
At Case Western Reserve University, we aim to excel in every aspect of our mission—from providing an exceptional education, to fueling innovation in our expanding research endeavors, and reinforcing our commitment to making a meaningful impact within and beyond our community.
As we set our sights on what’s ahead in 2025, discover the scope and significance of the work of our exceptional students, faculty and staff during Fiscal Year 2024.
*Numbers are rounded.
Gifts and Pledges from Private Sources
Total Operating Revenues and Expenses (in Billions)
Total Endowment Balance
Data provided by the Division of Finance.
In the News
A quick glance at a few of the hundreds of media outlets that featured our research and insights
School of Medicine
Weight-loss drugs like Wegovy may help stave off some cancers
Weatherhead School of Management
When information won't reduce stock price volatility immediately
School of Law
Five women sue Texas over the emergency medical exemption in the state’s six-week abortion ban
School of Dental Medicine
Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing
Case School of Engineering
Advancements in prosthetics limb technology allow feeling, control
College of Arts and Sciences
Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences
Research and Technology Highlights
Competitive Sponsored Research Projects
AGENCY | Number of Awards | Amount Awarded (in Millions) |
Department of Health and Human Services (National Institutes of Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, etc.) | 406 | $203.7 |
Department of Defense | 33 | $18.1 |
National Science Foundation | 29 | $9.4 |
Department of Energy | 14 | $11.3 |
NASA | 7 | $.8 |
Other Federal | 46 | $3.3 |
Industry | 138 | $13.9 |
Nonprofits, Foundations, Associations, Societies | 667 | $88.8 |
Other Government | 49 | $20.9 |
Total | 1,389 | $370.3 |
Technology Transfer
- Invention disclosures: 151
- License revenues: $6.2M
- Startup companies launched: 7
- Deals with industry (including licensing and options): 80
- Patent applications (U.S. and international): 308
- Patents issued (U.S. and international): 124
Data provided by the Office of Research and Technology Management.
Degrees and Campus Statistics
Degrees Awarded (2023 - 24)
Degree Type | Number of Degrees |
Bachelor's | 1,263 |
Master's | 1,398 |
PhD | 189 |
Other Doctorate | 529 |
Certificate | 139 |
Enrollment (Fall 2024)
- Undergraduate: 6,528
- Graduate + Professional: 5,947
- States represented: 50
- Countries represented: 106
- Faculty (full-time): 1,250
- Staff (full- and part-time): 3,438
- Acres on campus in Cleveland's University Circle: 267
- Acres of farm in Hunting Valley, Ohio: 400
- Alumni: 125,000+
Degrees by School(Undergraduate, Graduate and Professional)
- Case School of Engineering: 637
- College of Arts and Sciences: 829
- Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing: 188
- Jack, Joseph, and Morton Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences: 175
- School of Dental Medicine: 94
- School of Law: 235
- School of Medicine: 685
- Weatherhead School of Management: 536
Data provided by the Office of Institutional Research.
University Leadership
University Administration
Joy K. Ward
Provost and Executive Vice President
Travis T. Apgar
Vice President for Student Affairs
Venkataramanan "Ragu" Balakrishnan
Dean of the Case School of Engineering
Katie Brancato
Vice President, Chief of Staff and Strategic Advisor to the President, Office of the President
Kenneth B. Chance
Dean of the School of Dental Medicine
Stanton L. Gerson
Senior Vice President for Medical Affairs and Dean of the School of Medicine
Carolyn Gregory
Vice President for Human Resources
Vice President for University Technology and Chief Information Officer
Andrew Medvedev
Dean of the Weatherhead School of Management
Carol L. Moss
Senior Vice President for University Relations and Development
Carol M. Musil
Dean of the Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing
Marvin Nieman
Vice Provost and Dean for Graduate Studies
J. Michael Oakes
Senior Vice President for Research and Technology Management
Peter M. Poulos
Vice President, General Counsel, Chief Risk Management Officer and Secretary of the Corporation
Dean of the School of Law
John F. Sideras
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Robert L. Solomon
Vice President for Diversity, Equity and Inclusive Engagement
Erica Starrfield
Vice President for University Marketing and Communications
Lee Thompson
Deputy Provost for Academic Strategic Initiatives
Dean Tufts
Vice President for Campus Planning and Facilities Management
Dexter Voisin
Dean of the Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences
Peter Whiting
Interim Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences
University Trustees
W. Craig Bashein
Colleen R. Batcheler
David M. Carr
Aarti Chandna
Scott S. Cowen
Gordon R. Daily
Fredrick D. DiSanto
Geoffrey M. Duyk
James E. Fleming Jr.
Vincent A. Gaudiani
Julie Gerberding
JoAnn Glick
Roe Green
J. David Heller
Stephen H. Hoffman
Eric W. Kaler
John D. Kobs II
Charles "Bud" Koch
William H. Lewis
Frank N. Linsalata
Kathy E. Magliato
Joseph M. Mandato
Thomas A. Mandel
Milton A. Marquis
Sara H. Moll
Susan P. Mucciarone
Jacquelyn Nance
Robert D. Pavey
Laura G. Quatela
James A. Ratner
Ronald B. Richard
Donald J. Richards
James "Great Neck" Richman
Lawrence M. Sears
Anand Swaminathan
Rexford J. Tibbens
Celia Scott Weatherhead
Mark A. Weinberger
Debra L. Wilfong