This page is intended for high school students who are considering coming to CRWU and who are interested in cognitive science. Information about the courses, major and minor can be found here.
Department of Cognitive Science faculty are happy to meet with you to discuss the major. If you are coming to CWRU as part of a campus visit arranged by the Undergraduate Admission Department (see this page for more info), you can request a meeting with someone in Department Cognitive Science, and an opportunity to sit in on cognitive science courses as part of your planned program. Contact information for a Professor of Cognitive Science can be found in the right column of this page.
What can you do with a degree in Cognitive science?
A burning question for prospective Case students and their parents is: What is cognitive science, and what can a graduate do with a degree in cognitive science? We hope a brief glance at the home page of this website has answered the first question.
The short answer to the second question is: “just about anything.”
A glib response, no doubt.
But its very glibness speaks to a fundamental reality: the scientific study of the human mind produces students with a complement of skills that many for-profit and non-profit businesses, firms, and professions find invaluable. Students with academic experiences in the systematic study of the human mind are in high demand.
If you’d like to read more specific information about career possibilities in cognitive science, click here.