Thank you for your interest in the Computational Fluid Dynamics and Supersonic Combustion (CFDSC) Research Lab at Case Western Reserve University! Our lab regularly receives inquiries regarding the availability of research positions in the group, and unfortunately we cannot always respond to these requests in a timely manner. Before contacting us directly, please refer to the following helpful links and frequently asked questions:
I am always looking for talented and motivated students, who are interested in pursuing graduate degrees, to work in my lab. In general, Masters students are not guaranteed financial support. I do, however, encourage my students to seek their own funding through scholarships, awards, and teaching assistant opportunities. Moreover, if M.S. students decide to pursue a PhD, we can talk about available funding at that time. For interested PhD applicants, open positions in my lab are subject to available funding. For those with their own source of funding or support, I encourage you to apply. In both cases, the applicant should first email me to discuss a potential project and availability of funds. Should you formally apply, applications should be submitted to the CWRU graduate school. Once your application has been submitted, please notify me so that I can review your documents.
The best opportunities exist for students who are in their Junior or Senior years, especially those who have already taken Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics. If you are interested in doing research in the summer, I encourage you to email me in the fall of your Junior year. This way, you can apply for Source funding to support your research in the summer. I also have Senior projects available for those who are interested, just send me an email.
To learn more about our research, please check out the latest publications listed in Dr. Maxwell’s Google Scholar and Researchgate pages. Please do not hesitate to email me for more information.