Mather Athletic Field, 1927 |
Location: southeast corner of East Boulevard
and Bellflower Road |
Description: 1927: athletic field 1947: 2 double
tennis courts and one single court, 240x195 feet with 10 foot wire fence
enclosure |
This property continued in use after 1949. Post-1949 research is not yet completed.
Other Names |
1932-1948: Mather Athletic Field |
Constructed |
1927 |
Architect |
1927: M. S. Douglass
Occupants |
1927-1949+: Mather College
Uses |
1927-1949+: Athletics, recreation
and parking |
Trivia |
First Mather College athletic field |
Alterations and Modifications
Description |
1927-1928: Unspecified alterations |
Cost |
$2,500 |
Alterations and Modifications
Description |
1947: Constructed 5 tennis courts and fence |
Architect |
The F. A. Pease Engineering Co. |
General Contractor |
Cuyahoga Asphalt and Paving Co. |
Cost |
$36,000 or $31,229 |
Financing |
Operating funds |
Alterations and Modifications
Description |
1948: Moved everything but hockey field to northeast corner of East
Boulevard and Bellflower Road for addition to Severance Hall parking
lot |
General Contractor |
Cuyahoga Asphalt and Paving Co. |
Cost |
$13,193 estimated |
Financing |
Gift of $13,193 estimated from Musical Arts Association |
Donors |
Musical Arts Association |
This summary was compiled by staff of the University Archives from sources in the custody of the Archives.