
Mitchell Machtay, MD
Mitchell Machtay, MD

Professor, Radiation Oncology
Chairman, Department of Radiation Oncology

A Message from the Chairman

‌Welcome to The Department of Radiation Oncology at Case Western Reserve University. Our department is the embodiment of excellence in clinical care and translational research. Our department treats nearly over 300 patients per day with radiotherapy across 11 remarkable clinical facilities in Northern Ohio. Current treatment modalities include external beam radiation with both Intensity Modulated Radiation Thearpy (IMRT) and Image-Guided Radiation Thearpy (IGRT) capabilities, including and Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT). Additionally, we support Intraoperative radiotherapy; low and high dose rate brachytherapy; and four platforms for Stereotactic Radiosurgery including:Gamma Knife; and Elekta Synergy-S Linac-based capabilities.

In addition, we are pleased to announce our Proton Therapy Center opened in July of 2016.