Extending Condolences, Support after Seoul, India Tragedies: Nov. 1, 2022

To the Case Western Reserve Community:

We are deeply saddened for the families of the 150 victims of the deadly crowd surge that occurred Saturday evening in Seoul and the pedestrian bridge collapse that killed 134 on Monday in Morbi, India.

These tragedies come less than a month after more than 130 died in Indonesia when soccer fans were crushed in stadium exits as they fled tear gas fired by police.

We send our heartfelt condolences to the members of our campus community—here and abroad—who are directly impacted by these events. We hope local investigations lead to life-saving changes in safety and crowd control.

We also remind you of these sources of counseling support available for students, faculty and staff:

  • Students can schedule a same-day appointment with a counselor through myhealthconnect.case.edu or by calling 216.368.5872. They also can arrange a virtual appointment through TimelyCare, which offers evening and weekend sessions in addition to those during weekdays.
  • Faculty and staff can receive immediate support through IMPACT Solutions at 1.800.227.6007; counselors are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. IMPACT Solutions also can assist benefits-eligible employees with referrals to counselors.

Finally, although events like a crowd surge or infrastructure failure are rare, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shares this advice for travel to mass gatherings.

Eric W. Kaler

Ben Vinson III
Provost and Executive Vice President