What to Expect
Here, you’ll join a group of students with diverse goals and research pursuits. Our faculty teach a wide variety of courses, but they specialize in neuromechanical systems, ecological consequences of environmental change, and cell and developmental biology. You’ll benefit from their expertise in classes such as ecophysiology of global change, functional genomics, and ecology and evolution of infectious diseases.
You’ll work closely with our supportive faculty to meet your research goals, and ultimately defend your dissertation.
The average time to graduation is six years, during which time you can publish your research as you make strides toward your career. For example, our faculty and PhD students publish their research in influential journals, including Science, Development, PLoS Biology, Ecology Letters, Proceedings of the Royal Society, and Current Biology.
Our biology faculty serve on editorial boards of more than 15 prestigious journals, including Cell Transplantation, Journal of Applied Ecology, Oxford Bibliographies, and others.
Many of our PhD students conduct research at the Biology Research Station at the Squire Valleevue Farm which features over 400 acres of diverse natural habitat, a research greenhouse, experimental ponds, growth chambers, and modern lab and classroom spaces.