Peer Forums

A team of professionals in an office setting

The Center for Family Business Peer Forums provide the opportunity and environment for family business members to support each other in their professional and personal goals in a facilitated, confidential setting.

Through mutual support and open interaction based on trust and confidentiality, each member of the forum learns how to more successfully lead their family business, be a better family business owner, and a better spouse, parent, and friend. Within the forum, family business leaders and owners can learn from each other, share best practices, and apply what they learn to their own businesses and personal lives.  Forum members form deep bonds that allow for the kinds of self‐revelation and personal growth that can only be achieved through the dynamics of supportive group interaction.

Peer Forums operate in an environment of complete confidentiality.  The group will be a “safe” place, where members can feel free to express their feelings and relay past experiences with comfort and confidence that “what is said in the room stays in the room.”  Members will express their absolute agreement with the confidentiality guidelines by signing the Commitment to Peer Forum. All members of the Center for Family Business will have the opportunity to join a forum.  The Peer Forums are professionally facilitated, and facilitators are bound by the same confidentiality as group members.

Groups will comprise ten to fourteen members and membership in the groups will be aligned based on a participant’s role in their family or business.  Peer Forum placements will be screened for business or other conflicts among the group’s members, thus ensuring that all members of the group will feel comfortable speaking freely about business and personal topics.

Forums meet every other month, for a total of six times a year, for approximately a half-day.  Meeting schedule, length and additional activities (tours, meals) can be tailored to each group’s preferences.