Hyland Software Phase 3

The partnership between Hyland Software and xLab is continuing into its third semester. Students who are new to xLab are working with students from past semesters to progress past efforts on a system to share and verify blockchain credentials using Personal Data Stores.

During the past two phases, students built a web application for storing and managing Blockcerts, a verifiable credential architected by Hyland Software, utilizing Datawift’s Decentralized Data Servers (DDSs), then continued to add support for DDS-based credential storage by implementing an extensible mechanism for sharing Blockcerts.

This semester, students will integrate the CertShare University Dashboard with brand new technology from Hyland Software for blockchain-enabled credentialing applications. This credential dashboard targets customers who must receive and verify digital documents at scale (for example, Universities, Government Agencies, and Healthcare Providers). It makes it easy for them to receive, view, store, and verify large numbers of Blockcerts (Verifiable Credentials). Team members from Hyland Software will work closely with the students throughout the semester to finalize the project and help facilitate a smooth technology transfer between teams.