xLab is pleased to facilitate several courses available to Case Western Reserve University students through Weatherhead School of Management.
Applications for spring 2024 semester xLab projects are now closed. Applications for fall 2024 projects will open in April.
Work on real-world digital innovation projects, earn class credit and build your resume!
xLab's emphasis on experiential learning is exactly what employers look for when hiring recent graduates. Students who worked on xLab projects in the past were hired by Amazon, Meta, Progressive Insurance, Hyland Software and more.
xLab pairs a multi-disciplinary team of students together with an external client for real-world digital innovation projects focused on responsible technology. Our project teams use the latest design and development tools as they work directly with the client throughout the semester.
The course is STEM approved for business students.
Digital Innovation Project (BTEC 400 / CSDS 601)
Digital Innovation Project is a project-based course that is organized around a client project brief. This is a unique opportunity for a multidisciplinary team of 6-8 students to learn how to conceive, design, develop, and present a novel digital innovation project idea, by working on a client-sponsored real-life digital innovation project for an xLab client. Students are expected to learn skills in project management, design thinking, digital business models, agile development, presentations, and how to use industry standard digital design & development platforms & tools. The project will be managed as an agile project, following a scrum method. Client deliverables include: User Research Report, Design Report, and Prototype.