Maintainer Toolkit

Social Bookmarking Tool

Now available for maintainers is a simple tool allowing your users to bookmark your page using any one of 20 social bookmarking services, such as Facebook and Delicious.

We offer two different looks for the toolbar.

  1. Single line list of all the icons:
    Blinklist Blogmarks Delicious Digg Diigo Facebook Furl Google Jumptags Netvouz Newsvine Propeller Reddit Simpy Slashdot Stumbleupon Technorati Tip'd Yahoo

    To use this version, insert the following server side include line where you would like it to appear on your page:

    <!--#include virtual="/its/webservices/bookmarking/bookmarks_line.ssi" -->
  2. Low profile, drop-down version:
    Share ∇
    Blinklist Blogmarks Delicious Digg Diigo
    Facebook Furl Google Jumptags Netvouz
    Newsvine Propeller Reddit Simpy Slashdot Stumbleupon Technorati Tip'd Yahoo

    To use this version, insert the following server side include line where you would like it to appear on your page:

    <!--#include virtual="/its/webservices/bookmarking/bookmarks_lowpro.ssi" -->
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