CWRU has multiple parking lots but limited parking spaces. To meet all needs, permits and rates are tailored for faculty, staff, contractors, students, and visitors. Assignments to parking lots are made by demand and availability. Permits are issued on a first-come, first-served basis. During summer, when fewer students are on campus, closer lots are a temporary option.
- Faculty/Staff Parking
- Commuter and Resident Students
- Graduate & Professional Students
- Contractor Service & Vehicle Permits
- Weekend Permits
- After Hours Parking
- Confirmation Permits
- Vehicle Registration
- Violations & Penalties
Faculty/Staff Parking
Faculty and staff are eligible for the parking lot of their choice, based on availability. Permits are limited to one per person and must be picked up in person from Access Services.
To change lots, get on a waiting list. When your name tops the list, you will receive an email. You have three business days to claim the permit, or the spot will be offered to the next person. You can only be on one waiting list at a time.
Full time - Full time staff can receive full-time permits. Part-time staff receive part-time permits, which cost less.
Faculty and staff may pay through monthly payroll deductions OR in person at the Access Services office.
Faculty can only suspend parking if they are on sabbatical, medical leave, FMLA, university business, or during the summer semester.
Staff can only suspend their parking during FMLA or medical leave.
Those who purchase permits through payroll deduction receive self-renewing hangtags. Changes in rate or policy/procedure are updated in late May on the Access Services website.
Those who elect to purchase non-payroll deducted permits face June 30 and Dec 31 expiration dates. They are responsible for renewing their permit every 6 month
Employees are not allowed to park overnight unless they are working on campus.
If you have approved FMLA leave through the university and expect an extended absence, please contact Access Services regarding your permit.
As described in Case's Payment and Reimbursement Policy parking is not an expense that the University can cover for its staff and faculty.
Student Parking Permits
Parking permits for undergraduate, graduate and professional students are available online. Nights and Weekend permits are only available to graduate students. Graduate students interested in purchasing a Nights and Weekend parking permit must come in person to the Student Access Services Center in Tinkham Veale University Center during business hours.
To renew a fall/spring permit, students must go online at any time after receiving an email from Renewal is available for 1 week after receiving the renewal email. Failure to renew by the cutoff date will forfeit the space. A canceled permit cannot be renewed.
Permits not renewed will be available to others when available permits go on sale.
If you do not have a parking permit or plan to change parking locations, you may purchase an online permit. Permits are issued on a first-come, first-served basis. When a lot is full, “SOLD OUT” will appear on the screen.
Students living in a residence hall must purchase an RC permit (examples: 04RC, 46RC, 53RC, 57RC, 78RC, 88RC) to park overnight. Those with a 46RC permit must park on the 4th level and above.
CIA students may purchase a 46 commuter permit and will be permitted to park overnight on the first 3 levels of the 46 garage.
The following lots are available for undergraduate students on a first-come, first-served basis.
Lot Number | Lot Location |
Garage 78 | Garage for triangle residents and commuters. If you are a triangle resident reach out to Access Services as you will require assistance to purchase a residential permit online. |
Lot 57 | Surface lot for residents at the top of the hill behind Michaelson, Glaser, and Kusch |
Lot 47 | Surface lot for commuters |
Garage 46 | Garage on the northside for commuters and residents. CIA students are eligible for 46C permits and can park overnight on the first 3 floors. |
Garage 53 | Garage on the southside (southside residents only) |
The following lots are available for graduate and professional students on a first-come, first-served basis.
Lot Number | Lot Location |
Lot 82 | West Campus - Dental Clinic and Samson |
Lot 53 | (Veale) Southside garage |
Lot 44 | Southside surface lot |
Lot 46 | (NRV) Northside garage |
Lot 29 | Campus Center/Severance garage |
Lot 53 and 29 require a gate card for access. A full time permit purchased for any other lot allows a students to pay a $10 deposit for after hours access to these garages. After hours parking is not guaranteed in any of the lots or structures if assigned permit holders use spaces or if parking arrangements have been made for special events.
A student waiting list is available upon request. This list dissolves every May. When your name comes up on the waiting list, you receive an email to your CWRU email address. You then have until the deadline listed in the email to purchase your permit, or the spot will be offered to the next person on the waitlist.
Permit Payment
Students have several options to pay:
Use a credit card online. We do not accept American Express online.
Pay with credit card or CaseCash at the Student Access Services Center located in the Tinkham Veale University Center.
Student Account is another option for payment. Towards the end of each semester and for summer permits, this payment option is not available.
Pay with case or check at Access Services in the lower level of Crawford Hall if unable to pay via credit card or student account.
How to Obtain Your Parking Permit
Students can select to pick up their permits at select locations or have them mailed when purchasing their permit. Permits will not be mailed to University buildings. Permits purchased 10 business days prior to the start of the semester or after the start of the semester cannot be mailed and must be picked up, since there is not sufficient time to mail them before the semester begins.
Permit Start and End Dates
You have to choose the start date that is available that best fits your needs. All student permits are sold until the end of the semester.
Fall permits expire at midnight on the day final grades are due according to the academic calendar.
Spring permits expire at midnight the last day of Spring semester or the Spring degree conferral according to the academic calendar.
Part-time Student Permits
Permits are available to students registered for fewer than 12 hours at the undergraduate level or fewer than 9 hours at the graduate level.
Medical Students (in Rotation) Third- and fourth-year students doing rotations at University Hospitals may purchase temporary permits in 30 day increments in 53 (Veale) as spots are available. A gate card is required for access. Payment is made by cash, check, or credit, and refunds are unavailable.
Weekend Permits
CWRU Students with an active parking permit receive three (3) weekend permits free of charge per academic year for visitors/guests. A weekend permit acquired after the first three (free) weekends will cost $20 each. If being purchased by a CWRU Student for a visitor/guest, the student must be present at the time of purchase.
For CWRU Students without an active parking permit, weekend permits cost $20 each and can be purchased and utilized in an unlimited quantity throughout the academic year.
Weekend permits cannot be purchased over the phone or online and will be issued during the week they are activated for use.
Weekend parking permits are usually valid Fridays beginning at 4:30 pm through 7:00am Mondays. Holidays and University Breaks can alter these timeframes as well as days these passes are distributed. Weekend permits can be issued for parking lots 44, 46, 47, 57, and 78 and are generally available August through May.
Contractor Service & Vehicle Permits
All contractor vehicles—except heavy types of machinery, such as cranes, dump trucks, and front-end loaders—need a current parking permit.
A CWRU project manager or coordinator must request parking requests for outside contractors. If a project has one main contractor working with sub-contractors, parking requests must still come through the CWRU campus contact.
Long-Term Contractors
Outside contractors who perform ongoing services, such as food service and custodial contractors, are eligible for individual parking permits.
Short-Term Contractors
Short-term contractors working on CWRU projects must obtain parking permits for remote lots or get special permits to park close to their projects. These require approval from the University project manager overseeing their project. All University contract specifications require that contractors agree to pay for on-campus parking as a term of the contract.
It may be an impossible park near a job site, though a minimum of 10 days advance notice may make a difference. Each contractor's vehicle must have its own permit.
Service Vehicles
Some long-term service contractors must have campus-wide access. University Project managers handling these services must authorize permits for designated Service Vehicle Areas. They are generally used for fewer than two hours and not as permanent permits. Contractors who need parking longer-term parking arrangements are eligible for short-term permits. Service Vehicle Permits used as permanent parking permits are subject to a violation and may be revoked. These permits do not authorize parking in fire lanes or guarantee that space will be available.
University Vehicles
University vehicles (those displaying the CWRU logo) are authorized to park in areas designated specifically for CWRU or Service Vehicles.
The following restrictions apply:
If spaces near the worksite are filled, drivers must go to the closest available service vehicle area.
Although some leeway is granted after hours when departments may park University vehicles in designated spaces near their central locations, they must move during regular business hours or be ticketed
Vehicles blocking access to buildings and walkways or parking in fire lanes and other restricted areas will be ticketed and/or towed.
University vehicles and those displaying the service vehicle permit parked in actual permit spaces will be ticketed.
- Vehicles without proper identification will be ticketed.
Emeritus Faculty
Please see the Emeritus information page.
Other Permit Types
Motorcycle Permits must be displayed. Parking is restricted to designated locations.
Summer Permits are available to faculty and staff and students in select lots. Summer permits are ineligible for a refund.
Electric Vehicle Permits are available for electric vehicle owners and must be displayed on your active permit in order to use an electric vehicle charging station.
- Outside Agencies and Organizations Permits. People who live in University housing, and work elsewhere, may buy permits. They may be assigned to lots near the residence when space is available, and the waiting list contains no faculty, staff, or students.
Visitor Parking
Visitors can park in the following lots unless they’ve made other arrangements. The University may restrict parking during special events and University activities. Lots include:
29 (Severance Garage), 11001 Euclid Avenue
53 (Veale), 2158 Adelbert Road
- 55 (Health Science Garage), 2242 Circle Drive
After Hours Parking
While parking permit assignments are limited during the day, the following lots are accessible to all CWRU permit holders after regular business hours and on weekends. Hours listed below:
You must have a valid permit to utilize this privilege.
- Surface Lot - 1A, 44 & 47(4:30 pm - 7:00 am weekdays, 24 hours on weekends
- Garages 46 & 55 (lower level) 4:30 pm - 7:00 am weekdays, 24 hours on weekends
- Garages 29, & 53 - 6:00 pm - 7:00 am weekdays, 24 hours on weekends
Garages 55 and 46 require a valid Case ID card. S-53 & S-29 require a separate access card. This card requires a $10 deposit. The last time you can enter any after-hours parking lot/garage is 3 a.m., but unless you’re a resident student or working on campus, you are forbidden to park overnight. To replace a lost gate card, you will need to pay a fee of $25. You will also lose your $10 deposit for the missing card.
After-hours parking is not guaranteed in any of the lots or structures if assigned permit holders use space or if parking arrangements have been made for special events.
Confirmation Permits
Confirmation permits are temporary permits that one may print out after the online purchase of a permit. The confirmation permit is to be placed face-up on the dashboard of your vehicle to allow temporary access to the parking structure to which your permit dictates. The confirmation permit is valid for five (5) calendar days only. Once your hang tag is received, the confirmation permit should be discarded and the permanent hangtag placed on the rearview mirror of your vehicle.
Vehicle Registration
To purchase a permit, you must provide the vehicle’s make, model, color, and license plate info. You can update your information online and then send an email to for updated access.
Violations & Penalties
Violations will be issued to CWRU and Service Vehicles parked in areas other than those specifically designated for them. They will not be waived or voided. Companies whose employees duplicate or falsify permits will automatically lose all parking privileges. New permits will not be issued until the beginning of the next fiscal year. Service Vehicle permit holders using Service Vehicle spaces as regularly assigned parking spaces will be subject to violations, and their permits may be revoked.
Parking Violations
Outstanding parking citations must be paid to purchase parking permits.