Faculty Search Process

For faculty appointments with any CWRU pay (i.e. basic science or dual-paid appointments), departments must have both their faculty searches and offer letters approved prior to recruiting and hiring faculty members.

For faculty appointments without CWRU pay but on the tenure track/tenured, departments must have their offer letters approved but do not need search approval.

For all other faculty appointments (i.e. no CWRU pay and not on the tenure track), no search or offer letter approval is required if the department utilizes the updated offer letter templates.

Please review the steps below for more information on how to complete the faculty search approval process. 

  1. In order to route for approval, the department administrator must create the position listing in Interfolio. This includes submitting the position description, qualifications, application instructions (including applicant-required documents), evaluation criteria, and search committee members. Please utilize the guides located at the bottom of the page for step-by-step instructions.
    1. Request to Initiate Faculty Search for Full-Time Faculty FormThis form includes pertinent information such as the title and rank of the requested position, description of responsibilities, salary and funding information, the search committee chair(s), justification for the position, and how the hire will contribute to the department's commitment to diversity. There can only be ONE hire per SOM faculty search number. Please submit multiple search forms if the department wishes to hire for multiple positions for the same listing. This should be uploaded to the File Attachments section.
    2. A list of search committee members (please indicate the chair of this committee), the job description, and where you will advertise this position (along with the cost for posting).
    3. Completed ECC Approval Spreadsheet: This should be uploaded to the File Attachments section of "Position Notes."
  2. Once submitted, the materials will be routed for approval. Approvals required include the Faculty Affairs Office (initial review), Finance Office, the Provost's Office which obtains Executive Compensation Committee approval, and back to the Faculty Affairs Office.
  3. The Faculty Affairs Office will notify the department of the approved faculty search via Interfolio.
  4. If the position is approved before the chosen publish date, then the position will automatically be published and viewable to applicants on the publish date. If the position is approved after the chosen publish date, the department administrator must go into Interfolio and publish the position.
  5. The following steps need to take place once a search is approved but before an offer is made. 
    1. The Office of General Counsel (OGC) will train the entire search committee, preferably at their first meeting, and prior to the start of reviewing applications. OGC will also assign a liaison to each committee for legal consultation throughout the search process as needed.
    2. The search committee and department chair develop a rubric for evaluating all applicants, consistent with the legitimate, non discriminatory selection criteria. Any written rubrics must be reviewed and approved by OGC liaison.
    3. After at least six weeks from the initial date of posting, the search committee works to select a list of candidates for distance interviews (e.g., zoom). Best practices indicate that this pool should err towards the larger side (12-15 interviews in many cases) to provide a more comprehensive review of qualified candidates.
    4. The top candidates emerging from distance interviews are invited for on-campus interviews. Best practices indicate that the number of invites should be about three. The department or unit carries out an on-site review process that should include interviews, a seminar, and other activities according to the norms of the field followed by a vote of the committee or faculty depending on departmental norms.
    5. Any written narratives describing the selection process, justifications for how candidates were evaluated, and final selection must be shared with the OGC liaison for review to ensure the documentation is legally compliant.
  6. Once a candidate is identified, an offer letter should be drafted and submitted (along with the candidate's CV) for review and approval by the Dean and Provost. Offer letter templates and instructions can be found here.

Forms and Resources

  1. The department administrator should fill out the Request to Initiate Faculty Search for Full-Time Faculty Form and submit it to somFacultySearch@case.edu. This form includes pertinent information such as the title and rank of the requested position, description of responsibilities, salary and funding information, the search committee chair(s), justification for the position, and how the hire will contribute to the department's commitment to diversity. There can only be ONE hire per SOM faculty search number. Please submit multiple search forms if the department wishes to hire for multiple positions for the same listing.
  2. The Faculty Affairs Office will review the form and reach out if there is any missing information. If the form is filled out correctly, our office will route it through the necessary approval steps (i.e. Faculty Affairs, Finance, Research). It will then be submitted to the Executive Compensation Committee for approval.
  3. Once all approvals are received, the Faculty Affairs Office will reach out to the department notifying them of approval and the next steps. At this point, the department can begin its search process. Once a candidate is identified, an offer letter should be drafted and submitted for approval. Offer letter templates and instructions can be found here.

If the faculty appointment will be funded entirely by the hospital (i.e. UH, VA, MHMC, CCLCM) and not on CWRU payroll, the proposed position does not require a CWRU-approved search.


  • If you have questions regarding the faculty search form, please reach out to somFacultySearch@case.edu
  • If you have questions regarding the faculty appointment process, please reach out to facaffrs@case.edu.
  • For access issues, training, and questions on policies or procedures regarding Interfolio, please reach out to sominterfoliosupport@case.edu.
  • If you have questions regarding technical issues with the Interfolio platform, please reach out to help@interfolio.com.