NEUR 166 Explorations in Neuroscience (1 credit, Tues, 2:30 – 3:20)

NEUR 166


This survey course provides students with an opportunity to learn about some of the most exciting and timely concepts in neuroscience, including topics in basic and translational/medical research, as well as perspectives on neuroscience as a profession, through a series of 14 lectures given by members of the Neurosciences Department in the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. Topics are presented in a way that can be understood by students who have taken a high school biology class. Every effort is made to explain any new concepts that are included in the lectures. Each lecturer will provide general background reading material for the topics they discuss.

Taught by faculty from the Neurosciences Department in the School of Medicine



For more information please contact the course director: Dr. David Friel at

Check other available courses in Department of Neurosciences