Teaching Consultations

UCITE teaching consultations support faculty through collaborative discussion of classroom practices and the application of research on learning to more effectively and efficiently engage with students. Our involvement is not intended to be judgmental, but rather developmental. We strive to help faculty consider existing instructional practices to identify strengths and possible areas for alternative practice, all to improve student learning.

UCITE staff are available to connect with instructors for one-on-one consultations in a dedicated, collaborative space to discuss topics related to teaching and learning. Topics may include, but are not limited to: course design, teaching strategies, the integration of Universal Design for Learning (UDL), assessing student learning, or dealing with critical teaching incidents. The objective of these consultation meetings is to help to advance instructor thinking and practice to improve student learning.

Who can request a UCITE teaching consultation?

Teaching consultations are available to all CWRU teachers, including full- and part-time faculty, adjunct faculty, staff teaching courses, and graduate students or post-docs teaching courses. This free, confidential service is part of UCITE's mission to empower people to learn.


How will I benefit from a teaching consultation?

UCITE staff will listen to your concerns, ideas, and questions to learn more about your teaching contexts. We will then share possibilities connected to evidence-based practices from the scholarship of teaching and learning. For instance, instructors may wish to explore the effectiveness of teaching and learning activities, how a new technique or idea is working, or how instruction and assessment align with stated course learning objectives. Consultations may be as formal or informal as preferred by the instructor.


When should I schedule a teaching consultation?

You may request consultation any time. We suggest contacting us early in the semester to help ensure availability of a staff member.


I am ready to schedule a UCITE teaching consultation. What can I expect?
  1. Request a teaching consultation by completing an initial request form. A UCITE staff member will contact you to schedule an initial meeting.
  2. During our meeting, we will discuss your goals, learn about the context of your class, and consider any questions you may have.
  3. After our conversation, UCITE will ask you to complete a short questionnaire to help us understand how the interaction impacted your role as an instructor. We appreciate you valuable feedback to conclude the consultation process.


If you have question about UCITE Teaching Consultations, contact us: ucite@case.edu