Are you looking for a quiet place for a one-on-one meeting, a Zoom call, or just a private place to decompress? The UCITE Resource Room is now open! Stop by to browse through the many titles we have in our Science of Teaching and Learning book collection, relax in our comfy chairs, and take a moment for reflection or quiet study. Pop into our office to ask a UCITE team member to open the room for you, or make an appointment by emailing or calling 216.368.1224. We'd love to see you!
Have lunch with us as we discuss the latest in teaching and learning! Each Friday, UCITE hosts a casual pizza lunch and delves into the latest pedagogical topics. Faculty, staff, post docs, and graduate students are welcome!
Back for spring by popular demand, UCITE will be offering one-on-one, 30 minute appointments to assist you in designing your course syllabus. Whether you need to start from scratch or want to enhance an existing syllabus, all instructors of record are welcome to use this service. (Grads and post docs too!)