Please use the bulk request form found towards the bottom of this page or the link on the right sidebar to request an ID card for any CWRU affiliated person (temporary worker, volunteers, contractors, visiting students, non-enrolled/alumni, or anyone planning to be on CWRU campus more than five days). There is a $25 charge for any type of CWRU ID card issued.
To obtain the ID card after it’s been requested and approved, the individual needs to come to our the Access Services Office during normal business hours and bring some sort of photo ID with them (state ID, driver’s license, passport, etc.). Each individual to receive an ID card needs both a start date and an end date to their term at CWRU. If the end date needs to be extended, the individual’s CWRU contact needs to send us an email at access@case.edu and we can put an extension on their term remotely.
Access in addition to the default access listed below must be requested using a campus group form by an approved access requestor.
Types of Affiliate IDs
These ID cards are for Kelly Services employees, CWRU student alumni who are volunteering on campus, non-enrolled CWRU students who are on campus, any visiting student from another college/university, or any person that will be working off CWRU payroll on non-construction projects on CWRU campus for more than five days.
Who can request a temporary ID card?
For Kelly Services employees, ID cards need to be requested by an official Kelly Services Representative. For anyone else, the ID card needs to be requested by a CWRU employee on payroll from the department in which the temporary person will be working and/or volunteering.
Default access with this type of badge:
- CWRU Libraries
- Think[box]
These ID cards are for any individual employed by an outside company who is contracted to accomplish any construction or maintenance projects on CWRU campus.
Who can request a contractor ID card?
Any contractor ID card needs to be requested through Facilities or Construction Administration.
Default access with this type of badge:
- CWRU Libraries
- Think[box]
These ID Cards are for any individual who is attending a conference and/or CWRU hosted program for the duration of the event.
Who can request a conference ID card?
Any CWRU employee on payroll who is affiliated with the department hosting the event/program.
Default access with this type of badge:
- CWRU Libraries
- Think[box]
These ID cards are intended for any individual who resides in university affiliated housing, but not enrolled in classes at or employed by CWRU (ex. Triangle), or for any individual employed by a business or organization whose offices reside in a building owned by CWRU (ex. BioEnterprise).
Who can request a tenant ID card?
Any CWRU employee on payroll who is affiliated with the department/business.
Default access with this type of badge:
- CWRU Libraries
- Think[box]
Bulk Requests
Please send an email (with the Bulk ID Request Form attached) to access@case.edu with the following information:
- A complete list of each individual’s full legal name as it appears on their driver’s licenses or passport. (No nicknames, ex: Tom instead of Thomas or Katie instead of Katherine).
- The date of birth for each individual.
- The reason in which they will be on campus.
- Their start date.
- Their end date.
- Who is paying for the ID card ($25 each).