Jacqueline Hidalgo & Marcus Evans
5:00 pm | Eldred Hall Auditorium, 2070 Adelbert Road
This conversation between Jacqueline Hidalgo and Marcus Evans will be moderated by Jue Liang, Assistant Professor in the Department of Religious Studies. Hidalgo is Professor of Theology and Religious Studies at the University of San Diego. Her expertise lies in the intersections of scriptures, apocalypticism, utopianism, ethnicity, race, gender, sexuality, class, and religion in the U.S., the Americas, and the ancient Mediterranean. Marcus Evans is an independent scholar with a PhD in Religious Studies from McMaster University. His current research focuses on the myth and meaning of the hip-hop group, the Wu-Tang Clan, with broader interests in the intersections of race, religion, and myth in popular culture and the urban arts. They will discuss how ambition and hope feature in the religious communities, expressions, and textual/artistic creations in each of their research, and how place, both near and far, imagined and real, defines these ambitions and hopes.
This event is presented in partnership with Department of Religious Studies and the Flora Stone Mather Center for Women.
Learn more about Jacqueline Hidalgo HERE.
Listen to Marcus Evans on the podcast Teaching Buddhist Studies HERE.