Baker-Nord Institute for the Humanities Funding Opportunities

Hildegarde and Elbert Baker Visiting Scholar in the Humanities

Nominations are invited to bring in visiting humanities scholars to enrich the academic life of the humanities community at Case Western Reserve University. The funds can be used for a wide range of visitors, ranging from distinguished senior scholars to promising junior scholars. Both U.S. and international scholars are eligible. The main criterion is that they should enrich the College’s humanities departments through any combination of guest teaching, lectures, collaborative research, participating in courses, or other scholarly and teaching activities. Under current guidelines, visiting scholars in this program cannot be the instructor of record, but any other form of scholarly or teaching activity would be welcome. The fund can support residencies for any period of time up to one year.

View the page for the Hildegarde and Elbert Baker Visiting Scholar in the Humanities.

Baker-Nord Institute Award for Distinguished Scholarship in the Humanities

Award: $30,000, payable over three years
Nomination Deadline: February 28, 2025

The award is intended to recognize outstanding achievement in a field of humanistic scholarship and will be awarded every three years. The monetary award will be $30,000, paid over three years at $10,000 per year.  There would be no programming during the first year, but during years two and three the award recipient would design activities that would showcase their work in a substantive way.  These activities could include hosting a scholar-in-residence to be in conversation with the awardee during their residency; a workshop that would include both junior and senior scholars; a community seminar; or other programming. This programming will be planned in coordination with activities that highlight CWRU research, aligned with ongoing Baker-Nord Institute initiatives and priorities and will be managed by the Baker-Nord Instute for the Humanities.

View the page for the Baker-Nord Institute Award for Distinguished Scholarship in the Humanities.

Baker-Nord Institute Affiliates Program

Faculty Affiliates Program

Award: $1,500 research fund
Applications are invited to the Faculty Affiliates Program for support for work in progress in the humanities. Faculty affiliates will deliver one public presentation in the institute on their work in progress and are encouraged to attend presentations by other faculty and graduate affiliates. Affiliates will also submit a brief written report at the end of their terms.

View the page for the Faculty Affiliates Program.

Graduate Affiliates Program

Award: $500 Stipend
Applications are invited for the Graduate Affiliates Program for support for work in progress in the humanities. Graduate affiliates will deliver one public presentation in the institute on their work in progress and are encouraged to attend presentations by other graduate and faculty affiliates. Affiliates will also submit a brief written report at the end of their terms. 

View information about the Graduate Affiliates Program on the Graduate Funding Opportunities page.

Event Co-Sponsorships

The Baker-Nord Institute is able to co-sponsor a limited number of campus events with a humanistic perspective that enrich the intellectual life of the university. Co-sponsorship grants support events that cross disciplinary boundaries and engage with other parts of the university or the Cleveland community. Grants may not be used to support ongoing programs such as departmental colloquia, except in cases that offer exceptional opportunity. Examples of supported events include, but are not limited to, visiting speakers, academic events for students, or community outreach.

Maximum award is $1,500 and it will not exceed 50% of the event’s cost, and does not include technical, logistical, or marketing assistance.

All applications must be received at least 4 weeks prior to the event—no exceptions will be allowed.

View the page for Event Co-Sponsorships.

Faculty Fellowships

The Baker-Nord Institute (BNI) for the Humanities invites all eligible tenured and tenure-track faculty at the rank of assistant professor and above to submit applications for a BNI Faculty Fellowship. A maximum of two fellowships may be awarded. The fellowship provides a release from teaching for one semester, accompanied by a release from service commitments. Supported projects will be in the field of the humanities broadly defined and proposals may be submitted by any qualified member of the faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences. The proposals will be evaluated and ranked by an external advisory committee, which will take into account the following criteria: the intellectual quality of the research project; the applicant’s record of achievement and demonstration of promise; and the appropriateness of such an award at this point in the applicant’s career.

View the page for Faculty Fellowships.

Faculty Research Grants

Maximum Award: $5,000
The institute offers a limited number of competitive grants to support faculty research, when it is not otherwise covered by departmental funds or individual research accounts. Examples of supported research activities include, but are not limited to, digital scholarship projects; technical assistance for research projects; materials or equipment acquisition; acquisition of library materials; research assistants; professional development projects (e.g. publication workshops, software training, etc.). If you have questions about the applicability of your project, please contact the institute.

View the page for Faculty Research Grants.

Research Travel Grants

Maximum Award:  $4,500
The institute offers a limited number of competitive grants to support travel to conduct research. Examples of supported research activities include, but are not limited to, travel to collections such as libraries, museums or other archives with materials not otherwise available; travel to a conference with direct impact on the applicant’s research; travel to a study institute or research institute.

View the page for Research Travel Grants.

Graduate Research Grants

Maximum Award: $500
The institute offers a limited number of competitive grants to graduate students to help defray expenses associated with MA thesis and dissertation research but not covered by departmental funding.

View information about Graduate Research Grants on the Graduate Funding Opportunities page.

Special Projects Grants

Maximum Award:  $5,000
The institute offers support for research and critical inquiry in the humanities through special projects organized by faculty either individually or in collaboration with others, including members of educational and cultural institutions external to the university

View the page for Special Projects Grants.

Undergraduate Research Grants

Maximum Award: $250
Application Deadline: Applications are accepted on a rolling basis during the academic year.
Grants are available to undergraduate students in any of the departments affiliated with the Baker-Nord Institute (Art History and Art, Classics, English, History, Modern Languages, Music, Philosophy, Religious Studies, and Theater) to help defray expenses associated with a senior thesis or other research project not covered by departmental funding. Examples of eligible funding include, but are not limited to: travel to a collection; purchase of research materials; training in digital scholarship; server space; software; books or other materials.

View information about Undergraduate Research Grants on the Undergraduate Funding Opportunities page.

Humanities@Work Academic Semester Stipends

Maximum Award: $1,000
Application Deadline: Applications are accepted on a rolling basis but must be submitted prior to the start of the internship.
Grants are available to undergraduate students in any of the departments affiliated with the Baker-Nord Institute (Art History and Art, Classics, English, History, Modern Languages, Music, Philosophy, Religious Studies, and Theater).