Alex Flores

Head shot of Alex Flores

I am a  undergraduate student who is a neuroscience major. 

I am from  New Jersey. I met a member of Atit lab in my sophomore year through  my CWRU EMS group, and she helped me get started as an undergraduate research assistant. I was always nervous about starting research because it seemed so serious and I pictured everyone as being intimidatingly intelligent. While all the people I work with are brilliant, they are also incredibly welcoming, and I really enjoy the lab’s working environment in the Atit lab. So far, I have spent most of my time in the Atit Lab cryosectioning, immunostaining, and doing morphometrics. Cryosectioning, which my mentor, Jen Lanza lovingly called “ice slicing” outside of the lab, is a technical task where I take the mouse embryos  cut them into cross-sections.   My project involves investigating if fibronectin1 is dysregulated across different mouse models of craniosynostosis.  

I mostly work when I’m not in class. On campus, I naturally gravitated towards CWRU EMS, being a Resident advisor, and riding on ambulances.