The Atit Lab team is made up of hard-working graduate and undergraduate students. Our enthusiastic and talented group also makes time for fun outings and get-togethers.

Xiaotian at the graduate student welcoming weekend presenting her poster for the first time to people in person in Aug. 2021

Graduate student welcoming weekend in Aug. 2021: (left to right) Swara (Jolly Lab), Anna (Atit Lab), Stephanie (Jolly lab), Suneeti (Atit Lab), Qiannan (Atit Lab), Oindrilla (Ward Lab).

Fall back Mitchell’s ice cream outing for mandatory “Fun Days” in the summer.

Celebrating birthdays with an amazing Mitchells Black Raspberry Chocolate cake. YUMMMM!!

Congratulation to Brian Zhang (in the middle) on graduating.

Research showcase April 2023

Saying goodbye to Trizi before she graduates and goes to Ankur Saxena’s Lab at University of Illinois-Chicago for her post-doc.

Going to see the Barbie movie

Helen Molteni, Megan Gregory, Melissa Phung (Left to Right) at our third lab graduation party in the quad this May 2021!

Lab group selfie at a Mitchell’s ice cream outing.

Photoshoot with Anna and Brian.
Structural birthdefects meeting 2022 in Bethesda MD.