Committee on Faculty Compensation

Members 2023-2024


From the By-Laws of the Faculty Senate, By-Law VII., Item h., Par. 1-3:

"1) The Committee on Faculty Compensation shall consist of the Chief Finance and Administrative Officer or a designated deputy, the Provost or a designated deputy, and nine voting members of the University Faculty elected by the Faculty Senate. The term of membership on the Committee on Faculty Compensation shall be three years; three members shall be elected each year. Each elected faculty member of the Committee shall be eligible for re‐election only after the lapse of at least one year following the expiration of two consecutive three‐year terms of membership. The Chair of the Committee on Faculty Compensation shall serve ex officio as a member of the Finance Committee, and one faculty member from the Committee on Faculty Compensation shall be elected by the Committee to serve ex officio on the Committee on Faculty Personnel. These two members of the Committee on Faculty Compensation shall bring to the attention of the Finance Committee and the Committee on Faculty Personnel developments concerning faculty salaries and fringe benefits.

2) The Committee on Faculty Compensation shall consult with and advise the university administration and Board of Trustees on the formation and review of university policies and procedures concerning faculty salaries and fringe benefits. The responsibilities of the committee shall include: consultation with the university administration regarding fringe benefits and the annual allocation of funds available for faculty salaries and raises, an annual review of the guidelines and policies for faculty compensation for each school and college considering issues of comparability in policies across units, review of the implementation of those guidelines and policies at each school and college, competitive analyses of faculty salaries and fringe benefits in peer universities nationwide, the effect of current salaries and fringe benefits on the ability of the university to attract and retain top faculty, and other matters of policy and equity brought to its attention by the faculty or administration. The faculty members of the Committee on Faculty Compensation shall serve as the faculty representatives on any university committee on faculty fringe benefits or compensation.  

3) The faculty members of the Committee on Faculty Compensation shall report to the Faculty Senate on its activities at least once during each semester of the academic year."