Robb House |
Location: 11100 Euclid Avenue, east side of
court |
Description: 5-story buff brick building |
This property continued in use after 1949. Post-1949 research is not yet completed.
Formal Name |
Isabel Hampton Robb House |
Named For |
Isabel Hampton Robb, friend |
Constructed |
ca. 1929-ca. 1931 |
Architect |
Coolidge, Shepley, Bulfinch & Abbott |
General Contractor |
John Gill and Sons Co. |
Cost |
$1,782.750 for Harvey House, Lowman
House, Flora Stone Mather House, and Robb House |
Financing |
Gifts of unknown amounts from unknown
donors |
Occupants |
1930: School of Nursing
1931-1946: ?
1947, 1949: University Hospital men
Uses |
1930: Residence
1931-1946: ?
1947, 1949: Residence |
Ceremonies |
Cornerstone laying: 6/13/1929; Dedication:
6/17/1931 |
This summary was compiled by staff of the University Archives from sources in the custody of the Archives.