Squire Valleevue Farm |
Location: SOM Center Road and Fairmount Boulevard,
Hunting Valley, Ohio |
Description: 1937: 276 acres, 3 barns, 3 houses,
and garage |
This property continued in use after 1949. Post-1949 research is not yet completed.
Cost |
1937 appraised value: $146,000 |
Financing |
1937: Gift of Squire Valleevue Farm
land and buildings from Andrew and Eleanor Squire, trustee and friend |
Occupants |
1930-1949+?: WRU
Uses |
1930-1949+?: Classes, recreation,
research |
Trivia |
WRU's only working farm |
This summary was compiled by staff of the University Archives from sources in the custody of the Archives.