New $2.78M federal grant awarded to improve rectal cancer treatment with AI

With a new five-year, $2.78 million grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and National Cancer Institute (NCI), Co-director of the AID2B Center, Dr. Satish Viswanath, and collaborators at Case Western Reserve University (CWRU), Cleveland Clinic, and University Hospitals (UH) will use artificial intelligence (AI) to better treat rectal cancer patients.

“Our goal is to develop new types of radiomic signatures, involving computational analysis of radiology and pathology images, to determine how well these patients have responded to therapy,” said Dr. Satish Viswanath, an associate professor of biomedical engineering and Co-director of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Enabling Discovery in Disease Biology (AID2B) Center at CWRU School of Medicine. “By doing so, doctors will be able to better personalize treatments for patients with rectal cancer.”

View more information on the recently awarded grant and research here.