In The News

Screenshot of 5 people taking part in a virtual forum
Heidi Gullett (upper right) participates in Forum on Racism, Inequity, and Public Health

In 2021, public health and racial equity—two of the CHI Center’s long-time areas of focus—were in the public eye. Through media coverage, as well as scientific publications, our faculty informed and educated the public, and several were honored for their contributions.

Media Coverage:


Racial Equity and Health


Understanding and Addressing COVID-19

Johnie Rose sitting and speaking in an office setting
Johnie Rose discusses COVID-19 vaccines and allergies in a Cuyahoga County Board of Health video



  • Heidi Gullett – Recognized as one of Crain’s Cleveland Business Women of Note and Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine’s Geiger Society honoree
    Photo of Pamela Davis
    Pamela B. Davis
  • Pamela Davis – Recipient of Case Western Reserve University’s Hovorka Prize for her remarkable (and ongoing) research career and leadership
  • For scholarly excellence:
    • Anne Gagliotti – Nominated for the CDC’s 2021 Charles C. Shepard Science Award for outstanding data methods and study design
    • Bethany Snyder – Co-author of the American Journal of Health Promotion Paper of the Year
  • The CHI Center – Recognized by Dean Gerson, CWRU School of Medicine, as a “COVID-19 Hero.”