A Young Center with Deep Roots

Aerial view of downtown Cleveland, Ohio

The Center for Community Health Integration (CHI Center) conducts collaborative research and development to advance community health and integrated, personalized health care.

We are a young center with deep roots, building on three decades of work with partners in Cleveland and around the world. Together, we are challenging problems often perceived as intractable. We do this by investing in:

  • Relationships
  • Analytical capacity
  • Novel ideas
Mural on a brick wall with pictures of African-American families

Our work aims to understand how diverse factors interact in complex ways to affect the health of people and populations. Our approach includes both statistics and stories. We bring methodological expertise in computational modeling, system dynamics, integrated quantitative and qualitative methods, social marketing, group model building, large database analyses, and community-based participatory methods.  Our content expertise includes public health, primary health care, generalism, multimorbidity, cancer prevention and control, structural violence, and health equity.

While focusing on specific problems and strengths-based solutions, we assess and address contextual factors that result in different effects in different settings. Our interests include the health effects of:

  • Poverty, inequality, and an unprepared workforce                  
  • RTA commuter train in an indoor station
    The interaction of social structures, environment, behavior, and genetics
  • Understanding, assessing and improving what provides value in primary health care
  • Developing a basic science of generalism
  • An effective interface between health care and public health systems

We welcome conversations to explore collaborative opportunities.