Gabriel A. Smith, M.D.

Gabriel A. Smith, M.D.

Chief Resident


Temple University School of Medicine

University of Oregon

Clinical Interests

Spine, Neurotrauma, Cerebrovascular, Skull Base


Smith, GA, Pace J, Corriveau M, Lee S, Mroz TE, Nassr A, Fehlings MG, Hart RA, Hilibrand AS, Arnold PM, Bumpass DB, Gokaslan Z, Bydon M, Fogelson JL, Massicote EM, Riew KD, Steinmetz MP. Incidence and Outcomes of Acute Implant Extrusion Following Anterior Cervical Surgery. Global Spine Journal. 2015 Nov 30. (In Press).

Smith, GA, Chugh, AJ, Steinmetz, MP. Separation Surgery for Spinal Metastases: A Review on Surgical Treatment Goals. World Spinal Column Journal. 2015 Oct 20. (In Press)

Kaul A, Ahmed A, Smith GA, Manjila S, Pace J, Steinmetz MP. A Revolution in Preventing Fatal Craniovertebral Junction Injuries: Lessons learned from the Head and Neck Support® Device in Professional Auto Racing. J Neurosurg Spine. 2015 Sept 30. (In Press)

Lockwood M, Smith GA, Tanenbaum J, Lubelski D, Seicean A, Pace J, Benzel E, Mroz T, Steinmetz MP. CT angiogram screening after traumatic cervical spine fractures: narrowing imaging to improve cost-effectiveness, experience from a Level I trauma center. J Neurosurg Spine. 2015 Nov 27:1-6. [Epub ahead of print].

Pace J, Smith GA, Pannunzio A, Rothstein B, Markowitz A, Hoffer A. Thorascopic-Assisted Ventriculo-Azygous Shunt Placement for the Treatment of Hydrocephalus. Neurosurgery, 2015 Aug 19. 

Smith GA, Kochar AS, Manjila S, Onwuzulike K, Geertman RT, Anderson, JS, Steinmetz MP. Holospinal epidural abscess of the spinal axis: two illustrative cases with review of treatment strategies and surgical techniques. Neurosurg Focus. 2014 Aug: 37(2):E11.

Dagostino PR, Whitmore RG, Smith GA, Maltenfort MG, Ratliff JK. Impact of bone morphogenetic proteins on frequency of revision surgery, use of autograft bone, and total hospital charges in surgery for lumbar degenerative disease: review of the Nationwide Inpatient Sample from 2002 to 2008. Spine J. 2014 Jan;14(1):20-30.

Manjila S, Cox EM, Smith GA, Corriveau M, Chhabra N, Johnson F, Geertman RT. Extracranial ligation of ethmoidal arteries before resection of giant olfactory groove or planum sphenoidale meningiomas: 3 illustrative cases with a review of the literature on surgical techniques. Neurosurg Focus. 2013 Dec;35(6):E13.

Smith, GA, Dagostino, P, Maltenfort, M, Ratliff, JK. Geographic variation and regional trends in adoption of endovascular techniques for cerebral aneurysms. Journal of Neurosurgery.  Jun;114(6):1768-77. Epub 2011 Feb 11.
Eames EF, Singer A, Smith GA, Wood Z Yan YL, He X, Polizzi S, Catchen JM, Rodriguez-Mari A, Linbo T, Raible  DW, Postlethwait JH. UDP xylose synthase 1 is required for morphogenesis and histogenesis of the craniofacial skeleton. Developmental Biology, 2010 May 15; 341(2):400-15. 2010 Mar 15.

Smith, GA, Singer, A, Postlethwait, JH. The role of uxs1 in chondrocyte organization, morphogenesis, and signaling pathways during skeletogenesis. University of Oregon Clark Honors College, 2007.


Zhou, S, Smith GA, Shammassian B, Sloan AE. Stereotactic Resection of Malignant Brain Tumors. Neurosurgical Operatve Atlas, 2nd Ed. Thieme Publishing, Inc. June, 2015.

Smith, GA, Hart, DH. Complications of Minimally Invasive Spine Procedures. An Anatomic Approach to Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery, 2nd Ed., Quality Medical Publishing, Inc; April, 2016 (In Press).

Steinmetz, MP, Smith GA, Benzel, EC, Lenke, LG. Spinal Deformity and Correction. Benzel’s Spine Surgery: Techniques, Complications Avoidance, and Management. 4th Ed., Saunders, Inc.; March, 2016, (In Press).

Smith GA, Rogers M, Krishnaney A. Degenerative Disease, Infection, and Neoplasm: Role of Imaging. Benzel’s Spine Surgery: Techniques, Complications, Avoidance, and Management. 4th Ed., Saunders, Inc.; March, 2016 (In Press).

 Smith, GA, Hart, DH. MIS Lateral Thoracic and Lumbar Decompression. Benzel’s Spine Surgery: Techniques, Complications Avoidance, and Management. 4th Ed. Saunders, Inc.; March 2016, (In Press).

 Raviv, N, Smith, GA, Bambakidis, NC. Meningiomas of the petrous bone. Current Management of CNS Meningiomas. 1st ed. Hauppauge, NY. Nova Science Publishers, Inc.; October, 2014

 Smith GA, Hakma H, Baron EM, Baty DE, Loftus CM. Carotid Artery Disease. In: Biller J. FJM, editor. Evidence-based Management of Stroke. 1st ed. London, UK: Tfm Publishing, Ltd.; May, 2010.

 Smith GA, Hakma H, Loftus CM. Interventions for Ischemic Stroke. In: Biller J, Ferro JM, editors. Evidence-based Management of Stroke. 1st ed. London, UK: Tfm Publishing, Ltd.; May, 2010.

 Smith GA, Omura T, Pullman O, Rikovchik E, Zimmerman P, Dawson K, Jette T, Lamelas A, Schrank G, Giordano J, Mansfield C. Temple University 3rd Year Clerkship Survival Guide. Temple University School of Medicine Circulation, 2010.


  • Kaul A, Abbas A, Smith GA, Manjila S, Pace J, Steinmetz MP. A Revolution in Preventing Fatal Craniovertebral Junction Injuries: Lessons Learned from the HANS Device in Professional Auto Racing.
  • University Hospitals Case Medical Center Neurological Institute Research Meeting, April 2015.
  • Pace J, Smith GA, Pannunzio A, Rothstein B, Markowitz A, Hoffer A. Surgical Nuance: Unique Report of Placement of a Ventriculo-Azygous Shunt for the Treatment of Hydrocephalus.
  • University Hospitals Case Medical Center Neurological Institute Research Meeting, April 2015.
  • Lockwood M, Smith, GA, Tanenbaum J, Lubelski D, Seicaan A, Benzel E, Mroz T, Steinmetz MP. CT Angiogram Screening after Traumatic Cervical Spine Fractures: Narrowing Imaging to Improve Cost-Effectives.
  • Platform Presenation, AANS Annual Meeting, April 2014
  • University Hospitals Case Medical Center Neurological Institute Research Meeting, April 2015.
  • Ohio State Neurosurgical Society Annual Meeting, April 2015.
  • CNS Annual Meeting, October 2015.
  • Strohl M, Smith GA, Manjila S, Miller, JP. Post-operative Pseudomeningocele: Incidence and Outcomes.
  • Ohio State Neurosurgical Society Annual Meeting, April 2015.
  • University Hospitals Case Medical Center Neurological Institute Research Meeting, April 2015.
  • AANS Annual Meeting 2015, May 2015.
  • Smith GA, Manjila S, Cox EM, Corriveau M, Chhabra N, Johnson F, Geertman RT. Extracranial ligation of ethmoidal arteries before resection of giant olfactory groove or planum sphenoidale meningiomas: 3 illustrative cases with a review of the literature on surgical techniques
  • University Hospitals Case Medical Center Neurological Institute Research Meeting, March 2014.
  • Ohio State Neurosurgical Society Annual Meeting, April 2014
  • CNS Annual Meeting, October 2014
  • Smith, GA, Brown C, Corriveau MS, Manjila SM, Geertman RT. Neurologic Outcomes and Cerebrospinal Fluid Dynamics in Traumatically Brain-Injured Patients after Decompressive Hemicraniectomy: Experience from a Level I Trauma Center.
  • University Hospitals Case Medical Center Neurological Institute Research Meeting, March 2014.
  • Ohio State Neurosurgical Society Annual Meeting, April 2014
  • AANS Annual Meeting, May 2014
  • CNS Annual Meeting, October 2014
  • Oral Presenation at Ohio Committee on Trauma Conference, November 2014
  • Pace J, Smith GA, Hayek S, Miller JP. Case Report: Intramedullary Air following Cervical Injection: A Rare Case Causing Spinal Cord Injury. Poster presented at: 2014 AANS Annual Meeting, April 2014.
  • University Hospitals Case Medical Center Neurological Institute Research Meeting, March 2014.
  • AANS Annual Meeting, May 2014
  • CNS Annual Meeting, October 2014
  • Smith, GA, Dagostino, P, Maltenfort, M, Ratliff, JK. Treatment Of Cerebral Aneurysms: Regional Trends In The Adoption Of Endovascular Techniques.
  • AANS Annual Meeting, February 2011
  • Smith, GA. (2010, May). Evidence-Based Neurointerventional for Acute Ischemic Strokes. Oral Presentations
  • Neurosurgical Research Grand Rounds; Department of Neurosurgery, Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Neurosurgical Grand Rounds; Department of Neurosurgery University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA
  • Neurosurgical Grand Rounds; Department of Neurosurgery, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Smith, GA, Singer A, Postlethwait, JH. The role of uxs1 in chondrocyte organization, morphogenesis, and signaling pathways during skeletogenesis.
  • Summer Program for Undergraduate Research, March 2006
  • International Zebrafish Conference; Madison, WI, May 2006