When you arrive on campus in January, you’ll want to be ready to connect to the campus wifi system. In order to ease the process, University Technology (U[Tech]), encourages you to sync your passphrase to the CWRU Active Directory ahead of your arrival. Follow the steps below to sync your passphrase.
- Visit the Sync your passphrase page.
- If shown the blue Single Sign-On box, enter your CWRU credentials.
- On the "CWRU Network ID Active Directory Passphrase Sync Page" enter your CWRU passphrase twice, once in both boxes.
- Click on the "Sync my AD and SSO passphrases" button.
- If you see a green "Success" message, you're all set. If you do not see "Success", try the steps again. If you continue to have issues, contact the UTech Service Desk at +1 216.368.HELP or visit help.case.edu and initiate a chat session by clicking on the Quote icon in the bottom right corner. Support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, even from home during the summer or school breaks. Reach out with any questions or issues.