Orientation Newsletter

Students spell out CWRU on DiSanto Field as part of CWRU's Tradition event

This is the home of the Orientation Newsletter. We’ll be in touch with you each week to keep you in-the-know about important deadlines, fun events and other must-have info. (Parents and guardians: You’ll be copied, too, so you’ll know what’s happening on campus throughout your student’s first college year.)

Keep an eye on your inbox each Thursday evening to catch the latest edition.


Take Action

  • Register for a Discover CLE: Serve and Explore experience

    Part of the Discover Week experience involves getting out and exploring the Cleveland community. Our Discover CLE: Serve & Explore program allows students to do…
  • Understanding Dining Services at CWRU

    Students have a variety of meal plan options from which to choose depending on both their year and their housing status. Throughout their time at CWRU, students can…
  • Living and learning in your new home

    Second-Year Experience On-campus living serves as the foundation of community during your Case Western Reserve University undergraduate experience. The University…

More to Know

  • See what Cleveland has to offer: Free for CWRU students

    As a Case Western Reserve student, you can enjoy many of the cultural, scientific and educational attractions that are located near campus for free. The Office of…
  • Check out the Registration 101 Recording

    Course registration is an important part of your Roadmap. As you prepare for course registration, your four-advisor and the First-Year Course Selection Guide are…
  • Transact Mobile Ordering

    Transact Mobile Ordering is our official dining app. To get started, simply download the app and follow these easy directions. Once your official meal plan starts…