Orientation Newsletter

Students spell out CWRU on DiSanto Field as part of CWRU's Tradition event

This is the home of the Orientation Newsletter. We’ll be in touch with you each week to keep you in-the-know about important deadlines, fun events and other must-have info. (Parents and guardians: You’ll be copied, too, so you’ll know what’s happening on campus throughout your student’s first college year.)

Keep an eye on your inbox each Thursday evening to catch the latest edition.


Take Action

  • Information on optional proficiency exams

    If you are interested in registering to take a proficiency exam prior to the start of classes, please see the details below for room locations and instructions. We…
  • First Year Course Registration

    With course registration opening on Tuesday, November 26 at 9 a.m. Eastern, we encourage you to take some time to double check a few important items.  Act…
  • CWRU in Madrid Course Registration

    With course registration opening on Friday, November 22 at 1 p.m. Central European Time (a.k.a. your time zone in Madrid!), we encourage you to take some time to…

More to Know
