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Welcome to the Ohio Substance Use Disorders Center of Excellence (SUD COE)

As a cornerstone of Ohio’s comprehensive response to the addiction crisis, the Ohio SUD COE is dedicated to improving care quality for individuals with substance use disorders and related health needs. Established through the collaboration of the Center for Evidence-Based Practices (CEBP) and the Begun Center for Violence Prevention Research and Education at Case Western Reserve University, the SUD COE is supported by the Ohio Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services and a grant funded by the American Rescue Plan Act. Our center provides Ohio’s treatment providers with the tools and training to apply evidence-informed practices and integrated care approaches in addressing substance use, mental health and physical health needs.

With Ohio facing some of the highest rates of unintentional drug-overdose deaths, our efforts focus on holistic solutions that integrate substance use and co-occurring disorder treatments. Through our programs, we empower professionals to implement best practices that meet the urgent and complex needs of diverse populations across the state.

Learn more about us and what we offer

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