Recommended Reading and Research for ACT

  1. Gary R. Bond & Robert E. Drake (2015). The critical ingredients of assertive community treatment. World Psychiatry, v14, n2.
  2. Michelle P. Salyers and Gary R. Bond (2009). Innovations and Adaptations of Assertive Community Treatment. American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation, v12, n3,  p185-190.
  3. Gary R. Bond, Robert E. Drake, Kim T. Mueser and Eric Latimer (2001). Assertive Community Treatment for People with Severe Mental Illness: Critical Ingredients and Impact on Patients. Disease Management and Health Outcomes, v9, n3, p141-159.
  4. Susan D. Phillips, Barbara J. Burns, Elizabeth R. Edgar, Kim T. Mueser, Karen W. Linkins, Robert A. Rosenheck, Robert E. Drake, Elizabeth C. McDonel Herr (2001). Moving Assertive Community Treatment Into Standard Practice. Psychiatric Services, v52, n6, p771-779.
  5. Boyer, S. & Bond, G. (1999). Does Assertive Community Treatment Reduce Burnout? A Comparison with Traditional Case Management. Mental Health Services Research, 1(1), 31-45.
  6. Latimer, E. (1999). Economic impacts of Assertive Community Treatment: A review of the literature. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 44, 443-454.