Solutions for Complexities of Co-Occurring Disorders

Substance abuse and mental illness are a tough combo to treat and beat. But it does happen with the right attitudes and interventions. Expand your knowledge about both disorders and the interaction and overlap of their symptoms. Enhance your skills for helping people with co-occurring disorders manage their symptoms and achieve their recovery goals. Attend these workshops at our EBP Conference 2014:

  • A-01 | Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse 101
  • A-06 | Co-occurring Treatment with People Involved in Criminal Justice System
  • B-04 | Stage-Wise Application for Co-occurring Disorders
  • B-03 | Group Therapy as an Evidence-Based Practice
  • D-01 | Principles of Differential Diagnosis in the Assessment Process
  • D-02 | Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) with People Who Have Serious Mental Health, Co-occurring Conditions
  • D-07 | Persuasion Groups
  • F-03 | Hearing Distressing Voices