Veterans Affairs in Ohio Delivers Best Integrated Treatment Available

Veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces in central and northeast Ohio are receiving the best treatment available for co-occurring mental illness and substance use disorders. Find out why the Chalmers P. Wylie VA Ambulatory Care Center in Columbus and the Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center are implementing Integrated Dual Disorder Treatment (IDDT), the evidence-based practice, with help from the Center for Evidence-Based Practices. Attend workshop "E-04, Implementing IDDT in the Veterans Affairs System" at our EBP Conference 2014. / Presenters from the Columbus VA and Cleveland VA will discuss the top five challenges of implementing IDDT in the VA system and their strategies for overcoming those challenges and achieving success with the veterans they serve. / Register online today for this workshop:

  • E-04 | Implementing IDDT in the Veterans Affairs (VA) System: Lessons Learned—A Work in Progress