
Get to know our brand font.

Like color, consistent use of typography is extremely important for brand recognition. Properly chosen typography serves to enhance the overall look of communications and works in conjunction with the logo, images, color and language to reinforce a clear identity.

Arizona Text

Arizona Text is the primary type family for Case Western Reserve University print communications. It can also be used in digital communications, at the discretion of University Marketing and Communications.


Arizona Text Weights

Arizona Text includes four weights. There are a variety of ways to create contrast between text elements by using the brand typefaces. Always use contrasting weights and sizes to create a hierarchy of information.

Arizona Sans

Arizona Sans can be used for body copy in print materials, and is the primary font for digital communications.


Arizona Sans Weights

As with Arizona Text, Arizona Sans includes four weights. There are a variety of ways to create contrast between text elements by using the brand typefaces. Always use contrasting weights and sizes to create a hierarchy of information.

Arizona Flare Bold


Arizona Flare Bold may only be used for logos and other exceptionally limited usage cases that must be approved in advance by University Marketing and Communications.

When the Arizona font family is not available for use (e.g., emails, Google Slides, external affiliated websites), Open Sans should be the default font for communications, as it most closely matches our premium brand fonts. Where Google fonts are not possible, the default font is Arial.