
Training Experts to Uncover Financial Fraud

Money laundering and terrorist funding are enormous global enterprises that have become increasingly complex in the digital age. So have the federal government's updated anti-money laundering laws and tightened enforcement.

Together, these trends have created a need for experts who can better understand and detect financial fraud—and Case Western Reserve's School of Law wants to help prepare them. The school recently launched a Financial Integrity Institute dedicated to advancing research and education in identifying and stopping such crimes. This fall, the institute will enroll the first class for its executive master's degree program in financial integrity— believed to be the first in the United States offered by a major research university.

"We are bringing together some of the best practitioners and academics in the world to teach in this program," said Professor Richard Gordon, JD, the institute's director and associate director of the law school's Frederick K. Cox International Law Center.

$800 billion to $2 trillion

The estimated amount of money laundered globally in one year.
Source: The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime