- Identify a faculty sponsor. The faculty sponsor must have a faculty appointment in the department(s) and/or be serving within an interdisciplinary program stipulated by the particular fund for which you applying.
- Meet with your sponsor to discuss your proposal idea and how to structure your proposal. Your sponsor should meet with you during the planning process, addressing issues that might be raised by the fellowship selection committee, such as the proposal’s feasibility (e.g., the need for IRB approval, documentation of collaboration with outside experts, etc.), budget details, etc. Your sponsor will be required to submit a letter of recommendation online in order for your application to be complete. Provide your faculty sponsor with a link to the Faculty Sponsor Page to submit your letter.
- Complete and submit the Experiential Learning Fellowship application online. A student is eligible to apply for only one fund per semester and is eligible to receive funding more than one time, including in consecutive semesters.
Your portion of the application consists of three parts:
- An application cover sheet
- A 500-word proposal that includes the following information:
- A clearly stated description of the goals or objectives of your project or experience
- An overview of activities that will be conducted to achieve the goals and objectives stated in the proposal. In this overview, explain how you have or will address issues that are critical to the proposal’s implementation (e.g., IRB approval, letters of collaboration, etc.)
- An outline of your ideas to report on the completed project or experience at a forum open to the University community. Include in this section a brief discussion of the potential format (seminar, poster, etc.) and forum (departmental seminar, Research ShowCase, SOURCE Symposium, etc.) that you plan to use.
- An itemized budget: Proposal budgets contain best-guess estimates on expenses. Specifically, the program does not cover purchase of the following: still or moving image cameras and accessorial equipment, cell phones, computers. Awards are capped at $4,000. All expenses must be justified.
Submit the Rocks/Traub Experiential Learning application electronically to emily.curto@case.edu by the deadline.