SpAR Lab Principal Investigator and Case Western Reserve University Professor Lauren Calandruccio and SpARLab member, Daniel Weidman (CWRU Class of 2021) are the original inventors of Audiolab. Audiolab was initially developed during the summer of 2020 to create an innovative learning experience for Calandruccio's Introduction to Audiology course.
Audiolab teaches audiology and speech-language pathology students to administer pure-tone hearing screenings and testing, plot audiograms, recognize different types of hearing loss, and to engage with diverse populations of patients.
In April 2021, the program was licensed to Simucase LLC. Calandruccio and Weidman are proud to be the inventors of the original program and hope that many students and instructors benefit from the teaching tool and use it as a way to weave discussions of diversity, multiculturalism, and multilingualism into their audiometry curriculum.
Currently, there are more than 100 programs and over 2000 students in the US using Audiolab as part of their educational training.
Read more about the development of the program in the American Journal of Audiology. If you do not have access to the article, please email us and we will send you a copy (typically within 24 hours).
Students with active Simucase memberships may have free access to Audiolab.
To provide your students with access to Audiolab, email
*Simucase now owns the license for this program. Audiolab is only accessible through simucase. Neither Calandruccio nor Weidman financially benefits from the sales of this program.