Behnam Malakooti, PhD

Department of Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering
Case School of Engineering

Designs & develops models for industrial, operations, production/manufacturing systems, asymmetric risk analysis & predictions, decision making/behaviour types, artificial neural networks, interactive models, and multiple objective optimization.

Teaching Information

Teaching Interests

Production, Operations, Risk Prediction, decision making , Optimization

Research Information

Research Interests

Production, Operations, Risk Prediction, decision making and Optimization

Professional Memberships

1998 - Present, Fellow Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
1998 - Present, Fellow Institute of Industrial & Systems Engineering
1997 - Present, Fellow Society of Manufacturing Systems
1994 - Present, Member Informs


  • Komaki, G., Sheikh, S., & Malakooti, B. (2019). Flow shop scheduling problems with assembly operations: a review and new trends. International Journal of Production Research, 57 (10), 2926-2955.
  • Malakooti, B., Sheikh, S., & Komaki, M. (2015). Integrated risk and multi-objective optimization of energy systems. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 90 , 1-11.
  • Sheikh, S., Komaki, M., & Malakooti, B. (2014). Multiple objective energy operation problem using Z utility theory. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 74 (9-12), 1303-1321.
  • Malakooti, B. (2014). double helix value functions, ordinal/cardinal approach, additive utility functions, multiple criteria, decision paradigm, process, and types (z theory i. International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Makin, 14 (6).
  • Malakooti, B., Camelia Al-Najjar , C., & Mohamed Komaki, M. (). ’Geometric Dispersion Theory of Decision Making Under Risk: Asymmetric Risk Relativity, New Predictions of Empirical Behaviors, and Risk Triad’. Decision Analysis, Vol. 18, No. 1 (Vol. 18, No. 1), Pages 1-99, C2.
  • Malakooti, B. (). Komaki, M., Malakooti, B. (2017), General Variable Neighborhood search algorithm to minimize makespan of the distributed no-wait flow shop scheduling problem, Production Engineering Research & Development, 11, 315-329.. Production Engineering Research & Development, 11, 315-329..


Purdue University