Rochelle provides support and manages the multiple internal and external associations and relationships between the chair of the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering with other entities, including the dean’s office of the engineering school, the academic and administrative units of the university, the students, the faculty, and external national and international organizations, including other academic institutions, funding agencies, professional societies, industry and community organizations. Rochelle also is responsible for the business administration and operation of the department and its faculty and staff.
Key Job Functions
- Facilitates communications between the department and the university
- Manages the chair’s schedule and calendar, including arranging meetings, teleconferences and other engagements
- Prepares appointment, promotion, tenure and faculty review documentation for the department, as well as faculty annual reviews
- Provides support for faculty and staff recruitment
- Provides support for seminars
- Processes travel reimbursement requests of faculty and graduate students